Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 6- Our tour begins

June 6, D-day, for us stands for "departure".

After flying from Denver to Portland yesterday, we reached Astoria by bus. The driver kindly let us off right at the door of our motel. We assembled the bike, went next door for a bite to eat, and hit the sack after a long day of travel.

Today's ride might be considered a prologue stage. To check that the assembled bike is good to go, we rode a short distance out to the Pacific shore at DeLaura Beach, near Warrenton, and back to Astoria. Total 25 miles. The rest of the day was for sightseeing along the waterfront of Astoria, and visiting the local bike shop for new cycling gloves for both of us.

We don't know how much chance we will have on this trip to sample local food specialties, but today we did get a memorable lunch of smoked fish sandwiches (maple salmon for Sandy, sturgeon for me) on  bagels with cream cheese.

We spoke with a group of fishermen on a nearby pier who were fishing for sturgeon. One of them caught and released a ten-footer yesterday, much bigger than the allowable size to keep.

Tomorrow we cut the cord and head east in earnest.

The photos are our official departure point and DeLaura Beach, and overlooking the mouth of the Columbia River at Astoria.


  1. Hey, good luck from Minnesota. We'll be following you with encouragement as you trek along. All the best!
    Rob and Nancy

  2. Excited to be following with you as you make your journey Eastward! Take it easy and don't overdo it. You have a LONG way to go! Oh and I wish you could have made it to the fisherman in time to get a photo shot of that 10 footer fish! Wow! How amazing that would have been to see! Keep riding and writing. Love you! Liss
